(2 kundrecensioner)

70.000 kr

Bästa pris och precision för simulatorgolf. Med sin avancerade overheaddesign, dubbla kameror och markerade bollteknologi, levererar QED snabba, exakta mätvärden för varje sving. Upplev högpresterande spel till bästa pris.

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Bästa pris och precision för simulatorgolf. Med sin avancerade overheaddesign, dubbla kameror och markerade bollteknologi, levererar QED snabba, exakta mätvärden för varje sving. Upplev högpresterande spel till bästa pris.

Obegränsade starttider och banor att spela. Spela tusentals banor i världsklass på din fritid med QED. Oavsett om det är med avancerade Refine+ och GameDay-system eller sömlöst integrerade klassiker som GSPro, väntar oändliga golfäventyr på dig.

Oöverträffad kvalitet och värde. QED omdefinierar vad som är möjligt i sin klass, och levererar en nivå av kvalitet och prestanda som är unik. Med QED får du data som lyfter och utvecklar ditt spel.

Ball Speed Velocity at which the ball is traveling when it leaves the club face after impact.
Side Spin Horizontal spin measurement affecting golf ball movement left or right in flight.
Back Spin Measurement of reverse rotation of the golf ball relative to its trajectory (Backspin generates upward lift and stopping power upon landing).
Side Angle Angle at which the ball starts its flight, relative to a straight target line (Horizontal launch angle).
Side Total Deviation left or right of the target while the ball is in the air.
Launch Angle The initial vertical launch angle of the golf ball post-clubface impact (relative to the ground).
Angle of Descent The descent angle of the golf ball after reaching its peak trajectory.
Flight Time The total amount of time the golf ball is in the air.
Spin Axis The imaginary line around which a spinning object rotates. In the context of sports like golf or baseball, it specifically refers to the axis around which the ball is spinning. In golf, the spin axis affects the ball’s trajectory, determining whether it will curve to the left or right during flight.
Distance to Apex The distance covered by the ball in the air until it reaches the highest point of its trajectory.
Apex The peak height of the ball’s trajectory.
Ball Flight Type Description of the balls initial start direction and shot shape.
Carry Distance Total distance the ball traveled in the air.
Run Distance the ball travels after making contact with the ground.
Total Distance Total distance the golf ball travels including the carry and run.
Club Speed The speed of the club at impact.
Smash Factor Quantifies the efficiency of impact between the club face and the golf ball. It is calculated by dividing the speed of the ball by the speed of the club head at impact. A higher smash factor indicates a more efficient transfer of energy from the club to the ball, typically resulting in greater distance and accuracy.
Face to Path The angular difference between the face angle and club path.
Club Path The in to out, or out to in movement of the club head’s geometric center at the center at the time of impact. Club Path is the direction (right or left) the club head is moving at impact and is measured relative to the target line.
Face Angle The angular direction of the clubface at impact with the golf ball.
CPU  Intel i7 or higher, 10th generation or later
RAM  16GB or more
GPU  NVIDIA RTX 30 series or later
GPU Memory  16GB or more
Hard Drive  200GB or more of available space
OS  Windows 11 (64-bit only)
CPU  Intel i5 8400
GPU  GeForce GTX 1060
OS  Windows 10 (64-bit only) Version 1803 or higher***

2 recensioner av QED

  1. Nicklas

    Fantastiskt bra för Simulatorgolf

  2. Stefan

    Så bra

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